How To Protect Your Kids From Summer Heat Waves?

Summer is known to be pleasant since many people go on vacation and enjoy outdoor activities. Children are especially happy because they get to play their favourite games outside. However, summer may also be challenging for children . As per the General Pediatrician in Delhi , children are unable to adjust to high temperatures compared to adults because they do not sweat as much, limiting their ability to cool down. Parents can unintentionally make various blunders that increase children's body temperature , such as walking outside with them on hot days, dressing them in many layers of garments , turning off the air conditioner , and not bathing them every day. Heat Wave- Effect on Child Health Extreme heat can be defined as a "period of extreme heat and humidity with temperatures above 90 degrees for at least two days" and is a serious problem. Heatwaves have a severe effect on the quality of the air. According to studies, hot and humid days boost the f...