Why is Expert Counselling Important for Children?

Childhood is the best time that shapes our adulthood too; that’s why many healthcare experts have highlighted the benefits of having a positive and good mental health at this stage. Child counselling focuses only on mental well-being and problems that occur in children. Age group matters in psychology, so there is child counselling, one of the most important counselling deals with children. As per General Pediatrician in Delhi , Dr. Promilla Butani , ‘The most important sign that shows your child might need counselling is their behaviour. A child may have a sudden or gradual change in their behaviour that may persist for a longer time. Observe your child’s strange behaviour and speak to a counsellor or child doctor.’ If your child needs to show a personality change and needs counselling, speak to a top Pediatrician in Delhi . They can help them cope with their physical and mental changes and bring awareness for the same. The mind of your child is constantly growing a...