Is Your Child Suffering From Mental Illness?

For a child every experience is a new experience. Different experiences and stages in life Build different perceptions in their minds. There is a really fine line between a child throwing tantrums and a child with symptoms of mental health problems. A number of times, these behavioural changes are recognized only as a stage of a child’s growth by a lot of parents but ignorance is not always bliss. If you just brush it off and your child’s behaviour actually has its roots in a mental illness, you’re only allowing it to grow. Most commonly occurring mental health problems in children are: 1 . Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 2 . Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) 3 . Conduct disorder (CO) 4 . Mood and anxiety disorders like depression or bipolar disorder 5 . Schizophrenia 6 . Eating Disorders like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating Dr. Promilla Butani always insists, knowing the triggers and causes of mental illness are critically essential jus...