Is Your Child Suffering From Mental Illness?

For a child every experience is a new experience. Different experiences and stages in life

Build different perceptions in their minds. There is a really fine line between a child throwing tantrums and a child with symptoms of mental health problems. A number of times, these behavioural changes are recognized only as a stage of a child’s growth by a lot of parents but ignorance is not always bliss. If you just brush it off and your child’s behaviour actually has its roots in a mental illness, you’re only allowing it to grow.

Most commonly occurring mental health problems in children are:
1. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
2. Autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
3. Conduct disorder (CO)
4. Mood and anxiety disorders like depression or bipolar disorder
5. Schizophrenia
6. Eating Disorders like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating

Dr. Promilla Butani always insists, knowing the triggers and causes of mental illness are critically essential just like any other health problem in children. You can only find a solution when you know the problem and as they say, ’Nip the evil in the bud’.

If you pay close attention to your child’s behaviour you can differentiate between a mere tantrum and a serious mental condition. Close attention to the behavioural patterns of your child will enable you to observe if there are any symptoms of mental illness.

Parents and children always have a strong bond and if something is wrong with your child your gut will inform you about it, please don’t ignore if you feel so because you are most likely to be correct. You should not go by the advice of anyone who is not professional but immediately get a consultation from counsellor to know exactly what is going on with your child.

As a top pediatrician, Dr Promilla Butani has dealt with many such cases when parents come rushing to her for help because their child’s behaviour gets out of control. Dr. Butani says that unfortunately a large number of parents in Delhi realize it that their child is going through a mental disorder only at a later stage given to the working parents. So, the advice is that no matter how busy you are with your work, always make enough time for your children. Unless you spend enough time with them, you wouldn’t really know what they are going through and what they are up to.

Here are some common warning signs or in simple words, symptoms that indicate a difficult mental condition in a child:

1. Behavioural changes like destructive activities, addiction to specific tasks, impulsive fighting or willing to hurt themselves or someone else.
2. Severe mood swings without any particular reason. Mood swings that last for more than 2 weeks are a strong indicator that your child might develop depression or a bipolar disorder.
3. Heightened emotions or intense feelings such as excessive fear without any substantial reason are alarming conditions.
4. Mental disorders also affect a child’s physical well being. He may gain or lose excessive weight, lose appetite etc.
5. Poor concentration can be a sign of ADHD which means your child is unable to focus on the simplest of tasks.
6. Some children might report constant headaches or stomach aches when they are suffering from anxiety
7. While some children indulge themselves into drugs and alcohol to cope with anxiety.

A human being is so much more than just a body. As much important it is to be physically healthy as important it is to be mentally and emotionally healthy. When your child is behaving abnormally, instead of getting a panic attack you should rather try to understand them and get medical aid as soon as possible because you definitely want to see your child in the best of their health.

You can write to us for any further queries at or leave your questions in the comment box below.

Source: Dr Promilla Butani Child Care Blog Tips


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