Summer Health Tips for Kids

SUMMER is here!
NO Sweaters and Blankets
No more NO to play outside..

Summer season is a favourite time for all the kids to enjoy the activities outside and playing all around with their smiles on but when they do come back from existing high humidity levels and with sweat over the body exhausting the kids and lowering the level of their energy. Kids prefers to play in summer afternoon and evenings because they used to receive long vacations from their studies and classroom activities. Whether they are young or teen they are not bother about their safety and health. It is the the responsibility of every parent is to take care of their kids so that they do not suffer with any infectious diseases and protect them to stay healthy and fit.

Health Problems in Summer:
Let’s understand some of the health issues caused during summer season:

Asthma- Asthma is a disease which exists for the long period of time, it’s a lung disease which will increase and narrow the airways. Kids suffering from breathing problems such as asthma should not stay outside under the extreme heat for longer period of time because high humidity can hit them hard and lower the level of their immune system which will make them feel difficult to breathe.

Lyme Disease- This is a very deadpan disease caused among kids in summer season. It can be caused by severe fatigue, abnormal heartbeat, rashes, and neurological symptoms.

Heat Stroke- Heat Stroke is often caused in kids during summers and can cause headache, weakness and dehydration.

Food Poisoning- This is very common and known disease during every season but specifically in summer season the amount of sufferings are more because kids love to eat junk food during their outings in break time which is not good for their health and effects their digestion system due to which they suffers from food poisoning and sometime it will be severe enough to rush towards the hospital and patient will be get admitted too.

Sunburn- During summer season exposure to direct sunlight can cause sunburn which damages your skin and may cause redness, itchiness and infection. So kids should apply sunscreen to avoid sunburn over the body before going outside for playing or hanging out with their friends or family.

Measles- Measles is another severe disease caused in summer season. It is same as chicken pox and can aggravate small white spots and rashes all over the body. It can be prevented through vaccination. So it is very important to understand that every kid should be get vaccinated during the time when the percentage of patients suffering from measles increases daily.

Summer Health Tips:
These are the following summer health tips which can prevent health problems in kids:

Consume Fresh Juices and Lemon Water- Fresh fruits consist high nutrition level. Kids should drink a lot of Fluids such as fresh juices, lemon water and buttermilk which will help them to keep their high energy level and refreshing too.

Wear Light Color Clothes- Parents should make their children wear light and smooth color clothes because they help in absorbing heat better during summer season and do not wear black clothes specially during afternoon outings.

Stay Hydrated- 70% of our body consist of fluids so you should keep yourself hydrated by drinking lot of water. Staying hydrated keeps kids away from health issues such as exhaustion, sweat and vomiting.

Don’t Let The Kids go out in Afternoon- Parents should always take care that their kids should not move out of their home in direct sunlight especially during 12-4 pm in the afternoon because at that time temperature is maximum with hot air outside and humidity.

Apply Sunscreen Lotion- Whenever kids move out and will face the sun rays they should apply sunscreen lotions to keep their skin safe from Ultraviolet rays.

Consumption of Healthy Diet- Parents should include health diet like fresh fruit juices, fruits, green salad etc. in their kids daily routine because greasy food in summers causes health problems like gastric problem, indigestion etc. Kids should eat juicy and refreshing fruits to keep them cool inside.

Taking Bath- Kids should take bath for 2-3 times as it would reduce the heat effect and can save you from heat related issues and keep them refreshing every time with less amount of sweat over the body.

So these summer health tips can help your kids to stay away from heat related health issues and they can enjoy playing indoor as well as outdoor activities. For any further information, kindly contact us at


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