Tips to Take Care of Newborns by General Pediatrician in Delhi: Dr. Promilla Butani

 The thrill of becoming a new parent is unmatched. The bliss of starting a family drives the urge to provide all the happiness in the world to that newborn. However, infants need to be treated with utter care and support, and parents need to follow a practical guide. 

Dr. Promilla Butani, the best general pediatrician in Delhi, at Promilla Butani’s Pediatric Practice, explains that newborns are not adult-sleep-friendly and must be fed about 8-12 times in 24 hours owing to their small stomachs. Parents must sacrifice their sleep to ensure the baby is healthy. But the best part is that this phase is temporary. Baby handling becomes more accurate if parents follow certain guidelines. 

This article will elaborate on how to handle babies properly and what parents must do when they are troubled. 

When is the right time to allow visitors?

Friends and family may want to visit the baby as soon as possible. However, it is recommended to keep them at bay for some time. Soon after birth, the baby becomes receptive and alert. Hence, this is the best time to bond with the baby as a family. The baby recognizes their mother’s voice from birth and may even find it soothing. After some time, one can allow visitors to see the baby. 

How do clothe babies?

Newborns can’t regulate their body temperature on their own until they are 6 months old. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), babies need to wear more clothing than adults to feel comfortable. Make sure to clothe them appropriately according to the weather, climate, and outside temperature. Wrap them with a good quality blanket to keep them warm and packed. 

How to Feed Newborns?

Feeding is one of the most important topics when handling infants. No matter how cautious one is, they will miss something. Given below are some strategies by a renowned children pediatrician in Delhi, Dr. Promilla Bhutani, to ensure breastfeeding is done properly: 

  1. Do not delay: If the mother can, she must nurse her baby within 1 hour of birth because the baby is extremely alert. It is a great time to bond with the baby and let it adjust to the world.

  2. Nurse on Demand: The baby will help their mother to establish a good milk supply. As the baby drinks more milk, the mother’s body produces it even more. Thus, let the baby drink milk whenever they want. They might drink it every 1 to 3 hours in the first few days of being born.

  3. Get a proper latch: It is essential to get a proper latch to prevent nipples from getting sore. If oblivious to the term, one must ask a nurse or a doctor for the best guidance.

  4. Ask for help: Whenever one feels overwhelmed and doesn't know what to do, seeking help from a nearby pediatrician is essential. They will guide you on how to handle the situation properly.

  5. Develop a nursing nest: Mothers need to create a nursing nest for their baby while feeding the baby. They can sit on a comfy chair and put pillows around for a perfect grip. They must keep a water bottle and snacks nearby to stay supported during feeding.

  6. Stay hydrated and eat properly: During the feeding period of the baby, the mother needs an extra 400-500 calories in a day. Hence it is vital to eat efficiently to support milk production. Also, a lot of fluids are going out of the body, so the mother should drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. 

Formula Feeding 

Choosing a formula containing all the vital nutrients for the baby is vital. One can ask a pediatrician for a baby formula recommendation with added iron, DHA, and other nutrients. Asking a pediatrician for the best recommendation is a good idea. 

Some parents fear their child has milk protein allergies; soya products can be recommended. Nevertheless, while formulating baby food for the child, make sure to follow the given guidelines: 

  • If one wishes to heat the formula, use a bottle warmer or under running warm water (taking caution not to get water in the bottle). Avoid using a microwave since it might produce deadly hot spots. Put a couple of formula drops on the back of the palm of your hand to test the temperature.

  • After two hours, the risk of bacteria development increases, and the room-temperature formula must be discarded.

  • The refrigerated formula should be used within 24 hours.

  • Keep formula containers in a cold, dry area (not the refrigerator or freezer).

  • Save any formula left in the bottle by the baby; germs from their spit might contaminate it.

  • Use the formula within one month after opening it; never use it after the "use-by" date printed on the container.

  • Between feedings, clean and sanitize all bottles and equipment.

What are the best bedtime rituals?

Newborns frequently confuse their nights and days, and you may notice that they sleep more during the day and spend more time up at night. If a kid has developed this habit, urge them to change.

When feeding it at night, move slowly and keep the lights dim. Keep it dull. Make sure it receives enough light in the morning, and try to keep it occupied as much as possible. Emit sound. Have fun with him. Be fascinating throughout the day, in other words.

When to Call a Pediatrician When the Baby Has Fever?

A decent rule of thumb is to consult a doctor if a newborn develops a fever. Low-grade fevers will become less concerning as the kid gets older, but the following signs in infants call for immediate medical attention:

  • A fever of 100.4°F or more if the baby is older than 3 months and at least 3 months old.

  • Demonstrates modifications to their eating habits, such as rejecting to nurse.

  • Has extremely mucous or watery stools.

  • Overly sleepy, inactive, and or lazy.

  • He is excessively agitated and sheds more tears than usual.

  • Has a rash anywhere on their body that is red or swollen.

  • Has swelling or redness at the umbilical cord's base.

  • Demonstrates constipation symptoms, including discomfort (like straining) when moving their bowels.

  • Has an enlarged belly or vomits rather than spitting up.

Finding the best child specialist in your area is recommended for immediate care in case of emergencies. If one is looking for a pediatrician in Delhi, one can visit Dr. Promilla Bhutani at Promilla Bhutani’s Pediatric Practice.


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