Air Pollution: Does It Affect Lungs in Children?

 Air pollution and lung infection in children are quite interrelated. Air pollution is known to take a toll on the lungs of not only children, but adults too. It comes as no surprise that the effects of pollution on children’s lungs can be viewed as a grave situation, which is full of health hazards, including conditions such as asthma. But one must be wondering how air pollution affects the lungs of children. 

To answer the same, we had a deep conversation with Dr. Promilla Butani, the best general pediatrician doctor in South Delhi, who is the founder of Dr. Promilla Butani's Pediatrics Practice. We have used the information gathered from the expert to draft this post. So, continue reading this post to know the link between air pollution and its harmful effect on the lungs of children.

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What is Air Pollution, and How Does it Affect Children?

Air pollution refers to the harmful particles that are present in the air that we breathe. Air pollution is not only in the air we breathe outside, but it also affects the quality of air we breathe indoors.

Does Air Pollution Affect Unborn Babies?

Being exposed to air pollution in the womb affects a baby’s lungs. If the baby gets exposed to air pollution, this can lead to low birth weight or even premature birth. However, pregnant women must avoid air pollution to reduce the amount of air pollution while breathing.

To learn how to prevent your child from being exposed to pollutants, consider consulting a pediatrician. One can schedule an appointment with Dr. Promilla Butani, the best child specialist in Delhi, at Dr. Promilla Butani's Pediatrics Practice.

Let’s understand the connection between pollutants and lung infections.

Lungs in Children

In many situations, the organs in a child’s body are delicate and are not fully mature until the child reaches a certain age. The main part of the lungs in children grows only after the child is born, similar to the arms and legs. Also, it has been proven that 80% of the smallest air sacs grow after the child’s birth. This is also called alveoli, which facilitates the transfer of oxygen in the bloodstream. These alveoli continue growing until the child becomes an adult.

Immunity and Infections

Similar to the lungs of a child, the immunity of the child is in its growth phase, and it is different from the immunity of the adult. This makes the children more susceptible to infections, which are carried by air pollution that is sent into the air every single day. Also, many children spend their time playing outdoors, where they breathe more pollutants in the air. This is why they are prone to infections and lung diseases. 

How to Know that Pollution is Affecting a Child? 

Usually, the first symptoms that indicate air pollution is affecting the child’s lungs can be seen when the child coughs continuously without any reason. And when a child faces infections time and time again, all these signs show the hazardous effects of air pollution in children.

What Other Problems Can Children Face When Exposed to Air Pollution?

Besides respiratory problems, which lead to asthmatic attacks, fevers, or allergies, there are other dangers as well. This can happen when constant obstruction of oxygen due to pollution becomes a regular affair. This includes stroke, brain damage, etc., which leads to a high risk of dementia. 

How to Minimize the Risk of Air Pollution on My Child? 

Air pollution can be a worrying situation. If one lives in a big city, it won’t be practical for an individual to move away. But there are a few simple steps which parents must take to reduce their child’s exposure to air pollution: 

  • Avoid smoking during the pregnancy phase. 

  • Make sure the child does not breathe cigarette smoke once they are born, and they must avoid smoky environments for this.

  • Walk more instead of driving. On busy roads, the exposure to air pollution can be worse inside a car than it is outside.

  • While walking, avoid the pollution by taking quieter streets and avoid the busiest roads.

  • Keep the home well-aired by opening the windows when pollution outside is at a low level, and one can also check for forecasts of air pollution levels.

  • Avoid exposure to household chemicals.

A Final Note 

Children are more vulnerable to breathing in polluted air than adults, as their airways are small. They also breathe more quickly than adults as they take in more polluted air. Also, if a child breathes in high levels of air pollution over a long period of time, they are at risk of developing asthma, and their lungs may not function properly when they grow. They may also get diagnosed with infections such as pneumonia. 

So, if your child is experiencing symptoms such as persistent cough, one must consult a pediatrician/child specialist right away. One can consult Dr. Promilla Butani, the best child doctor in Delhi, at Dr. Promilla Butani's Pediatrics Practice

She offers compassionate care to every child and helps them get rid of infections by recommending personalized treatment. She looks after all general issues children experience such as asthma, allergies, obesity, etc. 

For more details, get in touch with Dr. Promilla Butani, the expert pediatrician at Dr. Promilla Butani's Pediatrics Practice today!

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