Ways to Soothe Your Baby’s Upset Stomach

Are you the parent of a baby? Have you been worried about seeing your infant cry excessively and not being able to understand the reason? Little ones cry for several reasons, and one of those could be stomach pain. Stomach pain is a common occurrence as their digestive system is slowly adapting to the new types of food. In most situations, stomach pain goes away on its own, but if the baby is crying continuously, one needs to follow some home remedies to give them some comfort.

In this blog, Dr. Promilla Butani, a general pediatric doctor in Delhi, has listed below some tips to help ease a baby’s stomach discomfort. Continue reading to learn more.

Why Does the Baby or Toddler Have Abdominal Pain?

The common causes of abdominal pain range from gas to appendicitis. It will also take time for the doctor to analyze what is causing trouble in the baby's stomach, especially if the symptoms come and go. One must pay attention to when the child feels uncomfortable as well as any other symptoms they may have, such as fever, diarrhea, or vomiting.

Follow the Below Remedies to Give Your Child Comfort:

  1. Give Warm Compress: Whenever one feels that their child has stomach pain, one can apply a warm compress, as it is a natural remedy to ease stomach pain. Use a clean cotton cloth that has been soaked in warm water, and then gently press it on the baby's abdomen. Most of the time, children will feel better after they get this warm compress.

  2. Feeding Yogurt: Sometimes children may have diarrhea, which could occur with stomach pain. In such cases, pediatricians suggest parents feed yogurt (unflavored, unsweetened, or normal milk yogurt) to their children. Many people know that yogurt is rich in lactobacillus, which is an important bacterium for the intestine. It helps restore the bacterial flora lost during diarrhea and helps children feel at ease.

  3. Give Massage to the Baby: One of the most widely performed home remedies to soothe stomach pain is by gently massaging the baby’s stomach using mustard oil. One must use clockwise and counterclockwise techniques when giving a massage. This helps in stabilizing the digestive system and move the gasses in the baby’s stomach that have been trapped. To learn more tips on how to massage the baby, one can consult Dr. Promilla Butani, a Child Doctor in South Delhi, at Dr. Promilla Butani's Pediatrics Practice.

  4. Help the Baby Burp: Try to burp the baby after every meal. After feeding gently, tap the baby’s back while they rest on your shoulders. For kids, burping is crucial because it allows them to release any extra air they may have swallowed during feeding.

  5. Bicycling: Whenever kids experience stomach pain and cry continuously, parents can move their legs in a bicycle motion, in a back and forth position. This is a very good exercise for children to release the gas and ease the pain.

  6. Using Asafoetida: Mix asafoetida in warm water, and then use this paste around the baby’s navel. This is considered a popular remedy to release gas and ease stomach pain in children.

  7. Foot Reflexology: There are various nerves in children's feet that can be treated using the specific technique known as foot reflexology. The foot therapy gives them a sense of relaxation and makes them feel at ease. As a result, anytime the child has a stomach ache, place their left foot in the right palm and apply steadily pressure to it. Their stomach aches are relieved by this relaxing approach.

When Should I Consult a Pediatrician?

One should consult a pediatrician if the baby:

  • Has pain that occurs many times in a day for more than three consecutive days.

  • Has severe abdominal pain that gets worse.

  • Has other symptoms like diarrhea, fever, or vomiting.

  • Is losing weight because of stomach pain.

Therefore, parents should consult a leading pediatrician in Delhi if they think something serious is going on. Dr. Promilla Butani is a renowned pediatrician practicing at Dr. Promilla Butani's Pediatrics Practice. She caters to the needs of newborns, children, and adolescents. One can visit the clinic for general pediatrics, social pediatrics, and several vaccinations like Hepatitis, chicken pox, measles, etc. 

Source: https://www.drpromillabutani.com/blog/common-health-problems-in-kids-causes-symptoms-treatments/


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