Why Do My Baby’s Ear Stinks? Questions and Answers

 Baby ear smell can be a minor hygiene issue. For a lot of parents, the unusual body smell can be quite upsetting, especially if it comes from sensitive areas of the body such as the ears. The causes of unusual baby ear smells range from a need to clean the baby’s ears to serious concerns such as ear infections and genetic disorders. However, one must understand where this stinky odor is coming from.

If one finds this article, they must be a parent seeking answers for their baby’s smelly ears. So here we have compiled the possible causes that make the baby’s ears stink and what can be done to prevent and alleviate that unpleasant scent. This article is created by taking insights from renowned pediatricians, one like Dr. Promilla Butani, a notable general pediatrician in Delhi. Read on for useful insights.

What Causes Baby’s Ears to Stink?

If the baby’s ears stink or emit an unusual scent, it could be due to the following reasons:

1. Build-up of Earwax

The stinky smell coming from the baby’s ears might come from the build-up of earwax in the little one’s ear canal. The external ear naturally produces earwax, also known as cerumen. Cerumen works as a barrier to foreign items that can enter the ear as well as a skin moisturizer and protector for the skin in the ear canal.

2. Excessive Moisture

A smelly ear could be due to excess moisture inside the ear canal or on the skin folds that surround the ear. The skin inside the ear canal must stay dry and should be lubricated with earwax. Also, the excessive moisture coming from water may alter the scent of the baby’s ears and make it prone to itching.

3. Leftover Food, Vomit or Milk

Not all unpleasant odors indicate a significant issue. Bacterial growth and organic matter decomposition can make leftover food, vomit, or milk smell in a baby's ears. When these things touch the ear canal or skin around the ear, bacteria can grow. Bacteria release odor-causing chemicals when they break down residual material. Without adequate cleaning, these substances can cause infections and obstruct Eustachian tubes, worsening the odor. Proper cleanliness and care prevent these issues and their stench.

4. Cradle Cap

Infantile seborrheic dermatitis is often seen on the scalp of the baby. Cradle caps can also affect the body, where the production of sebum is highest. This includes areas such as the face, back of the ears, neck, as well as armpits.

5. Foreign Body in the Ear

Babies and toddlers often put small things in their ears, such as small pieces of food, toys, or household items. A tiny insect could also find its way inside the ear canal.

6. Ear Piercings

A pierced ear opens a gateway for bacteria to enter. The first sign that ear piercings are infected is when redness and tenderness are seen. Ear piercings are frequently responsible for a baby's ear smell, which persists even after it has fully healed. The sebum and dead skin cells that are stuck in the holes can attract bacteria, giving the baby's ears a bad odor.

If one thinks that the stinky smell is not caused by any of the factors mentioned above and is a sign of an infection, one can book an appointment with an expert like Dr. Promilla Butani, a renowned baby pediatrician at Dr. Promilla Butani's Pediatrics Practice to get a complete evaluation. 

How Do I Know If the Baby Has an Ear Infection?

Ear infections come with other symptoms besides the distinctive smell they have. So one must keep an eye on the following signs:

  • Fever of 100.4˚F or even higher
  • Discharge from the ear
  • Increased pain in the ear
  • Cranky behavior of the baby
  • Unexplained crying
  • Trouble in sleeping
  • Trouble in hearing
  • A loss of balance
  • Losing interest while eating or drinking

How to Clean the Smelly Ears of the Baby?

The baby’s ears must be cleaned properly every time they have a bath. When the child’s ears are problematic, one can clean them between baths or with a wet cloth. Parents can also use a small amount of mild baby soap or shampoo for this and avoid sticking anything inside the child’s ears.

Here are some of the instructions that must be followed to clean behind the baby’s ears:

  • Wash the skin thoroughly with a mild baby shampoo and rinse thoroughly.
  • Use a soft washcloth and clean by gently scrubbing if the little one’s ears are prone to getting crusty.
  • Dry thoroughly behind the ears.

When to Seek Help for the Infant’s Smelly Ears?

Stinky smells in the ears might not always indicate the causes which were discussed above. However, it could also indicate severe problems that need to be resolved only with the help of a medical professional. Young children and infants are more likely to get ear infections. That is why parents must be extra vigilant about taking good care of their baby’s ears. Consult a pediatrician if:

  • The bad smell does not go away after bathing or washing.
  • There are signs of infection, such as redness, fever, swelling, foul-smelling ear discharge, etc.
  • The baby feels irritated and cries and rubs at his or her eyes.
  • The pain still persists.
  • The baby has redness behind their ears, neck, or armpits, besides having a cradle cap.
  • A foreign body or earwax blocks the baby’s ear canal.


The baby’s ears may stink due to a range of factors. Some of these are small issues that can be resolved with proper hygiene and preventive measures. However, a smelly ear could also indicate infections and health conditions that require prompt care. Therefore, if one is not sure what causes the smell coming from the baby’s ears, it is best to consult an expert pediatrician in Delhi like Dr. Promilla Butani. She is a renowned pediatrician who will analyze the baby’s health and find the root cause to provide comprehensive treatment. 

The expert doctor is also known as a renowned children doctor in Delhi who monitors children's growth and development, administer vaccinations, and offer guidance to parents on nutrition, safety, and overall well-being. She provides care to newborns, infants, and children with both common problems and complicated chronic issues, as well as provides treatment for diseases such as typhoid, which is quite common nowadays, etc.

For more information Born Baby read this Blogs: 3 Things to do when your child is born


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