How Pediatricians Can Help You Raise Healthy Kids

 Your toddler’s health is one of your major concerns. If your kid is frequently facing health issues like cold, fever, tiredness and unable to focus on study or anything else then this blog is for you.

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In this blog we will discuss the causes rooted in kids' weak immunity and how a child doctor plays a vital role in boosting it. Meanwhile, insights taken from Dr. Promilla Butani, a senior general pediatrician in South Delhi has made this content trustworthy to consider.  

An Overview of Kids Health and their Weak Immunity

When kids take birth, they are vulnerable. They have zero immunity to survive in an environment outside the mother’s womb. Therefore these toddlers remain covered most of the time. During this phase mother’s milk provides them strength to grow. Rest of the work toddler’s overall growth including physical and mental health is done by nutritional food.

But in today’s toxic environment kids with healthy diets are also facing various health issues. Some of them include cold, fever, leg deformity, eye flu, measles, etc. These all are very common but unavoidable diseases especially in the case of kids. Such medical and physical conditions and side-effects of their medications affect the overall growth of kids. To avoid such circumstances, a pediatrician comes into the role.

Role of a Pediatrician ito Raising a Health Child

A pediatrician plays a vital role in raising a healthy kid. Some of the job responsibility of a child doctor are as given below:

  1. Baby Immunisation  

Immunisation is the top-most job of a peditrician. A peditrician takes care of the toddler’s health from the time of its birth. To support the kid’s health growth, the child doctor schedules immunisation of the newborn through baby vaccines. These vaccines includes the immunity booster injections of:

  • BCG-Hepatitis-1 B (At the time of birth).
  • Hepatitis-1 (within 4-6 weeks after the child’s birth).
  • IPV1 DTaP and PNEUMOCOCCAL Vaccine (within 6-8 weeks).
  • IPV2 DTaP+ Hib2 vaccine (within 10-12 weeks).
  • Vaccines of Measles, Rotavirus, Thyroid Conjunctive vaccine.

These vaccines are one kind of antidote to kids disease and timely vaccination prevents the child from such diseases. 

  1. Child Health

A newborn can not take the solid diet as the adults do. The pediatrician helps parents to guide on managing the toddler’s diets and ways to bring the newborn on a solid food diet. Moreover, child specialist guides on nutritional properties and baby hygienes.

  1.  New Born Clinic

Couples who become first time parents need guidance on how to take care of the infant. Regarding this, a pediatrician especially Dr. Promilla Butani, one of the top 10 child specialists in Delhi helps such parents by providing adequate knowledge and New Born Clinic including child care.

  1. Physical Activity and Outdoor Sports

It is essential to encourage children to engage in outdoor recreation and physical activity. A child specialist suggests consistently engaging in physical activity to promote both physical and mental health. Engaging in outdoor play, sports, and dance are all excellent methods to get your children moving at a healthy age. Reduce their screen time and provide them with ample opportunities to engage in outdoor play. Consistent exercise yields a multitude of advantages, encompassing muscle development, enhanced memory and focus, and improved social and cognitive aptitudes.

  1. Adequate Rest and Consistent Sleep Routine

Children require sufficient sleep to continue developing and remaining healthy. To ensure that your infant should get sufficient rest. A general pediatrician emphasises the significance of instituting a consistent bedtime routine. An individual who is adequately rested exhibits enhanced emotional regulation, memory retention, and resistance to illness. Incorporate a warm bath or perusing a book into their evening regimen as means of unwinding and preparing themselves for sleep. Limit your screen time before bed, as it may disrupt your sleep cycle.

  1. With Regard to Emotional and Mental Health

In the context of infant rearing, mental health holds equivalent significance to physical health. A general peditrician emphasises the importance of creating a secure environment that encourages children to freely articulate their thoughts and feelings. Encourage them to divulge their thoughts and assert that their emotions are legitimate. Become vigilant regarding any indications of anxiety or tension, and seek the assistance of a qualified professional if you perceive the need. Provide individuals with the means to confront challenging circumstances and foster the development of an optimistic outlook.


While raising a child, a kid's health is one of the unavoidable factors. This is because, kid is vulnerable and can be attacked by germs and contagious diseases easily. As a result, parents need to take care of their toddler’s health. Regarding this, they can take assistance from a child specialist who can provide guidance on baby immunisations, kid’s physical and outdoor activities, their nourishment etc.  To do so, parents can visit Dr. Promilla Butani. She is the Best Pediatrician in Delhi. With almost five decades of experience the expert doctor provides child care services including baby vaccination, new born clinic, guide to parents regarding raising a healthy toddler. To avail of the benefits, visit at Dr. Promilla’s Butani’s Pediatrics Practice now!


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