Sleep Disorder in Children: Sings, Symptoms and Managing Strategies

 Children who get enough sleep perform better in learning, attention, memory, and behaviour, as well as in terms of their general mental and physical health. Any parent who has children will tell you that getting them to sleep and making sure they get enough sleep can be daily struggles. Children and sleep do not always get along.

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In this article, we will explore the sleep patterns of infants, the symptoms and signs of sleep disorders, and tips to help children improve their sleep patterns. To make this post enriching, we have gathered information from Dr. Promilla Butani, a well-known child doctor in Delhi. Keep reading to learn more.

How Much Sleep Do Children Need?

Many parents are unaware of the precise amount of sleep that children require or what constitutes normal sleep, given the child's age.  

  1. 0–3 Months

Sleep is important for the growth and development of your child. However, eating is also important. That is why newborns wake up to eat, look at the faces or the things going on in their environment, and then go back to sleep. The majority of babies sleep 16 to 17 hours every day.

  1. 3–12 Months

Many babies will sleep through the night by the time they are six months old, preferring to remain awake during the day. Babies who are getting close to turning one year old will probably start sleeping through the night more regularly and take one or two naps during the day.

  1. After 1 Year

Instead of taking two shorter naps throughout the day, toddlers typically take one longer one. Many kids start weaning themselves off of naps completely by the time they are in preschool.

How Can You Tell If It’s a Sleep Disorder in Children?

While it can occasionally take children some time to fall asleep, if they seem to be struggling greatly, it may be a sign of a sleep disorder. Any of these situations could point to a potential sleep problem:

  1. For what seems like hours, your child lies in bed, demanding more books, songs, drinks, or bathroom breaks.
  2. Even at night, your child only naps for approximately ninety minutes at a time.
  3. Your child complains at night about itchy legs.
  4. Your child has a loud snore. 
  5. Many kids experience occasional insomnia or restless nights. These behaviours might indicate the presence of an underlying cause if they last for multiple nights.
  6. Children who do not get enough sleep during the day may also act more disruptively, seem moodier and irritable, or perform below average in school.

The Symptoms of Sleep Disorders

  1. Sleep Apnea

When your child stops breathing for ten seconds or longer while they sleep, they may have sleep apnea, which is frightening. In addition, your child may exhibit excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep with their mouth open, and loud snores. See a medical professional right away if you observe your child experiencing this.

  1. Restless Leg Syndrome

Your child might frequently switch positions in bed in an attempt to get some relief from what they refer to as "the wiggles," or the feeling of something crawling on them. Some kids suffer from RLS and have trouble sleeping, even though they are not aware of their discomfort.

  1. Night Terrors

Night terrors can frighten every member of the family and are more than just bad dreams. Night terrors, which are more common in children than in adults, cause a person to wake up out of sleep abruptly, looking extremely scared or agitated, and frequently yelling, crying, and occasionally sleepwalking. 

Most of the time, they are not even fully awake, and most kids do not even recall the incident. Night terrors typically occur 90 minutes or less after a child falls asleep. Although there is no cure for night terrors, you can reduce the chance that they will occur by maintaining a regular sleep schedule and minimizing nighttime disruptions.

Strategies To Help Your Kids Sleep Better

It is possible for parents and other adults to actively contribute to their child's better sleep. A new mattress is one of the easy fixes that can improve your child's comfort during the night. 

Dr. Promilla Butani, founder of at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatric Practice, a well-known pediatric clinic in South Delhi, shares some expert advice and a few more strategies to assist a child in getting the sleep they require:

  1. Encourage Calmness

Take a warm bath or indulge in some quiet reading before bed. During this time, keep the lights in the bedroom dim.  Make sure the room is cozy and dark before turning in for the night.

  1. Create a Schedule

Having your child follow the same procedures each night aids in helping them develop a sleep schedule. Ask older kids how many books they want to read before going to bed. Put the schedule in writing or with pictures in the child's room, such as "brush teeth, read books, cuddle, lights out."

  1. Prioritize Spending Time with Each Other

Talk to your child for a short while before bed, perhaps during cuddle time. Encourage conversation by asking them about their day. Children who engage in this kind of activity may feel less restless.

  1. Disconnect All Electronics

Do not use any electronics in the bedroom. Establish a bedtime routine early enough to allow the child to spend at least an hour without screens before lights out. It is a good idea to associate going to bed with something positive. Consider implementing a reward system for your child for going to bed and getting up at their preferred time rather than criticizing them for getting up during the night.


Good sleep is essential for both kids and adults. However, many people do not get enough sleep. It can be challenging for parents to determine whether their child's sleep problems are a result of growing up or a sleep disorder. The symptoms of sleep disorders include sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, or night terrors. There are a few ways that parents can implement at home to make their child sleep better, like prioritising relaxation, creating a schedule, and more. If one still finds it difficult they must consult a pediatrican who can share some tips or help you out with the situation.

For instance, if one is looking for a children pediatrician in South Delhi, one may consult with Dr. Promilla Butani, a well-known pediatrician. She has nearly fifty years of experience and is an expert in a wide range of pediatric healthcare services. She also provides expert guidance to new parents on techniques for good parenting. 


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