Gas Issues in Newborns: Symptoms and Home Remedies

 Welcoming a newborn into the family is an exciting moment, but the new parents can face certain difficulties, particularly with the baby’s digestion. When a baby has gas, microscopic bubbles form in the intestines or stomach, occasionally resulting in pain and pressure. While many babies with gas do not find it bothersome, some develop restlessness and are unable to fall asleep until their gas has passed, and some cry for several hours.

General Pediatrician in Delhi

In this blog, we will explore in detail the symptoms and home remedies to relieve gas from the baby's stomach. To make this post enriching, we have gathered insights from Dr. Promilla Buatni, a well-known general pediatrician in Delhi. There are several signs that show the child is facing gas-related issues. There are many home remedies that individuals have been using for years to put their children at ease.  Keep reading to learn.

What Are The Signs That A Baby Is Experiencing A Stomach Issue?

The following symptoms and indicators could point to a gastric issue in a baby:

  1. Spitting Up Or Vomiting

Babies frequently spit milk after feedings or during burps because their sphincter muscles, which are ring-shaped muscles in the body that contract and relax to open and close passageways, are weak and immature. Nonetheless, a newborn's violent vomiting or significant milk spitting after most feedings may indicate stomach issues. Contact the pediatrician immediately if the child is vomiting frequently (especially if it is green-tinged or discolored).

  1. Diarrhoea

Formula-fed newborns frequently have shaped and yellow bowel movements. These may occur once or twice daily, sometimes more. Breastfed babies have soft, seedy, yellow-green bowel movements multiple times a day, sometimes as often as every few hours with feedings. Infants with diarrhea have frequent, watery bowel movements, which can quickly cause severe dehydration and need to be treated right away. 

  1. Hiccups

Babies often experience hiccups, which are usually harmless. On the other hand, babies who have digestive problems might get uncomfortable and bothersome hiccups all the time. They may cry because they frequently experience stomach pain as a result of this. Therefore, if one observes that their baby is hiccupping frequently and appears fussy or uncomfortable, they may have digestive issues that must be attended to.

  1. Colic

A condition known as colic affects some healthy newborns between the ages of three and four months. It causes the baby to cry uncontrollably and continuously for several hours every day, which can be highly upsetting to the parents. It usually starts at three weeks of age, peaks at six weeks, and then gradually gets better over three months.

  1. Reflux

Reflux is a disorder that affects some babies and causes discomfort and irritation when stomach contents flow back into the oesophagus, the tube that connects the mouth and the stomach. When they spit a lot during feedings, this can make them choke. In extreme situations, the infant may vomit and inhale the contents into their lungs when the stomach contents back up into the oesophagus. Your baby may need medical attention if this causes rattling or wheezing sounds in their chest and back.

  1. Abdominal Distension

Newborns frequently experience abdominal distension, which can make their bellies appear bigger after feeding. When they are between feedings, though, their stomachs should feel soft. If the baby has not had a bowel movement in one to two days or if it feels hard, there may be a more serious digestive issue at hand in addition to gas or constipation.

Home Remedies

Simple home cures soothe a newborn and speed up the body's release of gas bubbles. Some techniques that could help a baby with gas relief include:

  1. Moving Their Legs In A Circle

The infant can be laid flat on their back while the person raises their legs and bends their knees. The baby may be able to release gas that has been trapped by cycling their legs.

  1. Lifting Their Head

Holding the infant upright during burping may help release gas, as can raising their head above their stomach.

  1. Taking A Car Ride

Traveling with the baby can be beneficial if they enjoy car rides. The gentle rocking may ease pain and calm the baby.

  1. Cradling Them Facedown

One way to hold a baby is to place it in one's arms facedown rather than face up. Ensuring the baby's face and nose are not covered is crucial while supporting and elevating their head.

  1. Massaging Their Belly

Baby gas can be relieved by gently massaging the stomach. One can apply light pressure in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction, guiding the pressure according to the baby's responses.

  1. Burping Them

One can gently pat or rub the baby's back to burp them.

  1. Distracting Them

Babies cry more when they have pain due to gas. Some strategies to distract a baby from gas pain are as follows:

  • Humming
  • Dancing
  • Giving toys
  • Utilizing interactive games
  1. Lay Them On Tummy

This involves putting them on their stomachs and allowing them to move. This may release gas that has been trapped. Additionally, it helps them to raise their heads and strengthens the muscles in their upper body.

  1. Giving Gas Drops

Giving simethicone gas drops up to 12 times a day may be safe as long as parents adhere to the recommended dosage on the bottle. 

  1. Probiotic Supplements

Studies indicate that a probiotic supplement could alleviate colic in infants by restoring equilibrium to their gut microbiota. 


Babies can feel uncomfortable if they have gas in their stomachs. Many symptoms indicate that they are in pain due to the gas. Several natural remedies can help with this problem. If natural remedies are ineffective and a baby has severe gas, a parent should see a pediatrician. A pediatrician can reassure parents or other caregivers and assist in figuring out the cause of the baby's gas. 

If one is looking for the top pediatric doctor in Delhi, one may consult with Dr. Promilla Butani. With almost half a century of experience, she is proficient in a broad spectrum of pediatric healthcare services. To learn more, visit Dr. Promilla Butani's Pediatrics Practice to consult with her.

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