Rabies Infection: How to Protect Your Child

 Kids are innocent. They are the primary target of wild animals; dogs are one of them. A dog, whether a pet or a street dog, can turn a toddler's life into danger. Biting a non-vaccinated dog leads to Rabies. Rabies is a disease that, most of the time, creates issues when the infected toddler has to compromise with life. To avoid such situations, doctors advise parents to protect their children. But because of their excessively active nature, some kids often become challenging to control. In such cases, how to protect the child from Rabies needs discussion.

Baby Vaccination in Delhi

Regarding this, we took insights from various child pediatrician renowned for baby vaccination in Delhi. Based on the insights, this article will discuss Rabies, how to protect the child from this disease and whether Rabies is treatable; if yes, then what are the treatments? Hence, going through the post will help not only the parents but also for themselves. 

What is Rabies?

Rabies, usually a disease caused by dog bites, is a virus. This RNA virus is present in the saliva of stray animals belonging to the Rhabdoviridae family—for instance, cats and bats, 

Does Rabies Grow in the Human Body?

Animal bites cause Rabies. The saliva comes into contact with human blood Whenever the animal bites. The RNA virus present in saliva starts moving towards the brain and attacking the nervous system. Signs of Rabies start reflecting within fewer days, weeks or years after the bite.  

Signs & Symptoms of Rabies 

The virus spreading into the human body indicates some signs. These signs and symptoms are as follows-

  • Tingling, prickling, or itchy sensation in the vicinity of the bite
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Hydrophobia
  • Phonophobia
  • Excessive Salivation
  • Stiffness of the Muscles
  • Paralysis 
  • Mental Instability

Some of these signs also indicate flu and other health issues. Hence, medical tests become essential to confirm the spread of RNA viruses in the body. 

Medical Tests for Rabies 

Medical tests for Rabies include the examination of that animal, too. Rabies test for animals called DFA (Direct Fluorescent Antibody). In this test, animal blood samples are checked for antibodies of RNA in the lab. After that, the doctor matches the results with the kid's sample. If the samples match, the doctor will confirm the Rabies. 

Human tests for Rabies include blood, saliva, spinal fluid, skin biopsy and more. 

Treatment for Rabies

Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment for Rabies once the symptoms have started reflecting. But, child doctors state that with the help of baby vaccination, the impact of Rabies will be subsidised. HDCV and PCEC vaccines can help to eliminate the effect of animal bites. But to do so, vaccination immediately after the animal bite will affect only. In addition below, wound healing procedures will also help. Regarding this, one can follow the given below-mentioned procedure on the spot- 

  • Sanitise the animal bite with warm water or betadine
  • Apply an antiseptic lotion to reduce further infection
  • If the wound is severe, then use a clean, dry cloth to stop bleeding
  • Move to the doctor and tell the doctor about the animal bite in detail 

How to Prevent Kids from Rabies/ Animal Bite

Rabies is a life-threatening disease. But with the help of preventive measures, the spread of RNA virus in kids can be stopped. A safe environment is foremost essential. To avoid animal bites in kids, preventive measures for the family members to follow are as follows-

  1.  When a family has a pet -
  • Keep the pets caged or tied.
  • Stop pets roaming around the toddler. 
  • Keep the pet vaccinated
  • Avoid pet's contact with stray animals
  • Educate the pets and teach them how to behave
  • Never leave pets alone. The the kids
  • Never try to tease the pet, which can trigger the animal's anger.
  • Could you not keep them hungry?
  1. When the family has no pet-
  • Never leave the kid alone in a place where stray animals are present
  • Supervise the behaviour of kids and stray animal
  • If the two animals are fighting, keep the kid aside and never try to stop that fight.
  • Never try to tease a lost animal, especially when the animal is having non-veg food. 
  • Never show affection and anger against any stray animal
  • If the homeless animals are excessive in your area, then call the municipal corporation of your area. 
  • If possible, make them vaccinated.
  • Try to avoid playing with homeless animals
  • If the kid is a toddler, try to be with him, and whenever an animal comes, keep the child out of their reach. 
  • Keep the toddler vaccinated
  • Whenever a kid goes out, try to cover him fully with good quality clothes. 

What if a Stray Animal Bites the Kid?

Properly clean the wound with soap and water whenever an animal has bitten the toddler.

Traping the animal, if feasible, is crucial so a veterinarian can determine whether it is infected with Rabies. But only try to catch a potentially rabid animal if you have the right tools. Animals that are captured are slaughtered, and their brains are promptly checked for signs of Rabies. Once vaccinated and appearing healthy, pets can be monitored for illness symptoms. Ten days should pass throughout this observation period. Should the animal exhibit symptoms, it must be put down and its brain investigated. 

Right Time to Call the Child Doctor

Get in touch with the child's pediatrician if an animal bites the child at any time. The doctor should be notified of any animal bites, as they can determine whether Rabies is dangerous from the bite. Until proven otherwise, any bite from a wild animal should be regarded as a potential source of Rabies.

The child specialist may request that the animal be observed under the guidance of a veterinarian if it is a domestic and healthy pet. The animal will only receive vaccinations from the pediatrician if it exhibits symptoms of Rabies.

Child Specialist in South Delhi the heart of India, is a metro city. Pets in the house are standard here. In addition, you can also find stray dogs here. In such cases, the chances of animal bites increase. However, most people keep their pets vaccinated. But, in case of an animal bite, visiting a nearby physician or child doctor is advised. Dr. Promilla Butanis is the Best Child Doctor in Delhi. The doctor is highly experienced, with 51 years of service as a leading pediatrician in the city. Parents can consider her for baby immunisation for other children's health-related problems. Her practice is at Dr Promilla Butani Peaditric's Practice in Sarvodya Enclave, New Delhi.

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