Everything Parents Need To Know About Measles

 Measles, also called rubeola, is considered a contagious viral infection that affects the respiratory system and is very common in children. It is, nonetheless, contracted at any age. Many individuals with measles recover after proper treatment. However, there can be situations when a person may fall severely ill and develop health complications. Vaccination against measles is considered one of the most effective ways to prevent this infection. A pediatrician can play a major role in preventing and managing measles in children. They can also recognize the symptoms and provide appropriate treatment. Therefore, consulting a general pediatrician in South Delhi is highly advised for parents who are looking for guidance on measles prevention and management for their children.

General Pediatrician in South Delhi, General Pediatrician in Delhi

This comprehensive guide will detail measles, its symptoms, and its causes. We will also discuss how to treat this deadly, life-threatening condition.

What is Measles? 

Measles, also called rubeola, is a highly contagious respiratory infection which is caused by a virus. The symptoms of measles start with a fever, cough, runny nose, and sore throat and are followed by a rash that begins from the forehead and spreads all over the body. Serious complications can arise from measles, particularly in young children. Even in healthy children, measles can cause a lot of serious complications such as ear infections, pneumonia, hospitalization and sometimes even death. Moreover, measles can lead to severe complications in pregnant women.

What are the Symptoms of Measles?

When measles begins, you might see the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • A measles rash
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle pain
  • Runny or blocked nose and sneezing
  • Watery eyes and swollen eyelids
  • Greyish white spots in the mouth and pain
  • Loss of appetite

Note: If your child experiences such symptoms, you must seek the help of a pediatrician right away. In that case, you can schedule an appointment with Dr. Promilla Butani, the best pediatrician in Delhi at Dr. Promilla Butani's Pediatrics Practice.

What Causes Measles?

Measles is caused by a virus that lives in the mucus of the nose and throat of an infected individual. The virus can spread through direct contact with the saliva or mucus of an infected child, through either sneezing, coughing or contact with contaminated surfaces

  • Measles droplets spread into the air when a person coughs, sneezes, or talks, putting other individuals at risk of breathing them in. The infectious droplets hang in the air for an hour. 
  • It is also possible for the contagious droplets to settle on a surface, where they may thrive and spread for a few hours. 
  • Touching a contaminated surface and then wiping your eyes or putting your fingers in your mouth or nose can spread the measles virus.

How is Measles Treated? 

Measles has no specific treatment. Controlling fever, infection and dehydration are considered the main treatment options. Following are a few measures that are taken to protect individuals who are not vaccinated after they have been exposed to the virus:

  • Post-exposure Vaccination: Individuals having poor immunity to measles or infants can be given a measles vaccine within three days of exposure to the measles virus.
  • Immune Serum Globulin: Adults and infants who are infected with the measles virus can be given an injection of proteins. This is also called immune serum globulin. It prevents the illness and makes the symptoms go away.

Can I Prevent My Child Against Measles? 

  • Ensuring the child receives the MMR vaccine is one way to prevent them from contracting measles.
  • For most children, measles protection is part of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (MMR) or measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine (MMRV). These vaccinations are given to children in two doses: when the kid is 12-15 months old or when they are 4-6 years old. Most people develop immunity to measles following their initial vaccination. Some people become immune after receiving two vaccinations. 

Final Takeaway 

If your child experiences symptoms such as a fine rash of red dots on the head, fever, cough, muscle pain, etc., then you must seek help from a pediatrician right away. You can consult Dr. Promilla Butani, the top pediatrician in Delhi, at Dr. Promilla Butani's Pediatrics Practice.

The expert pediatrician has more than five decades of experience treating diseases in children and provides effective treatment for issues such as asthma, allergies, childhood and adolescent obesity, and all common and uncommon childhood diseases.

To consult Dr. Promilla Butani, a renowned pediatrician, visit Dr. Promilla Butani's Pediatrics Practice.


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